Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Conversation in hotel

Ini adalah contoh percakapan yang dilakukan di hotel

(conversation english in hotel) 


Hotel building

English Conversation- Hotel Reception
Mr.Verma has gone on tour to Lucknow. He enters in the Chitra Hotel and goes to the Hotel Reception
Hotel Receptionist Good afternoon, Sir. Can I help you?

Hotel Reception

Mr.Verma: Good afternoon. Can I get a room in the Hotel please?
Hotel Receptionist : Have you made advance booking Advance booking, Sir?
Mr.Verma: I’m afraid I haven’t done any room reservation. I tried to do hotel online booking. I believe thathotel reservation software was not working then.
Hotel Receptionist: What kind of a room do you want, Sir? A doubleroom or a single room
Mr.Verma: A single room, please.

Hotel Single room

Hotel Receptionist: Let me see. (Looking at the register). We are fully booked up at this time of the year. No, we haven’t a single room available, sir.
Mr.Verma: But please do try to help me out. I wouldn’t know where else to stay.
Hotel Receptionist: would you like to see the Hotel Manager, Sir? He just might have some rooms reserved for emergencies.
Mr.Verma: Thank you. Can you direct me to the Hotel Manager, Please.
Hotel Receptionist: I’ll trace him for you in the hotel. Just a moment, Sir.(Talking into the phone). Please get me the Hotel Manager. He might be in booking office or he might have gone on a round of the hotel. It he is not in the booking office, try the North Indian restaurant. Thank you

North Indian Restaurant.

Mr.Verma:  In the mean while, can someone get my baggage out of the taxi?
Hotel Receptionist:  Why not. Of course. (Tapping a bell for the porter. To the porter.) Please get the gentleman’s bags out of the taxi. (To Mr.Verma) please do sit down. I’ll speak to the Manager of the Hotel about a room for you, Sir.
Mr.Verma: What is the room tariff in this hotel

Hotel Manager at Hotel Reception

Hotel Manager discussing with guest at Hotel Reception
Hotel Manager discussing with guest at Hotel Reception
Hotel Receptionist: We charge Rs.1000 a day for a single room Sir.(The telephone rings.). Yes, I want to speak to the Hotel Manager. I am speaking from Hotel Reception. Good afternoon. Sir. I have a small problem. There is a guest here who has just arrived from Delhi. He wants a single room and we haven’t any single rooms vacant. Is there some way of helping him out, Sir?
Hotel Manager: Just a moment. I’ll come down myself.
Mr.Verma: (Approaching the Hotel Reception desk again). Could you get me a single room?
Hotel Receptionist : The Hotel Manager is coming down here and then we’ll see what can be done. Don’t worry, Sir. We’ll try our best to help you out.
Hotel Manager: Good morning, Sir. I am the Hotel Manager. What is the problem
Hotel Receptionist: The gentleman here has no reservation but requires a single room. All the rooms are booked up.
Hotel Manager: (Looking at the register). How long do you want to stay, Sir?
Mr.Verma : Just for one night. I’m catching the afternoon train tomorrow.
Hotel Manager: All right. I think we can accommodate you. Miss prashar, give the gentleman one of the room booked for the German group. Their plane has been delayed and they will now be coming in tomorrow by lunch time. Will that be all right, Sir?
Mr.Verma; Thank you very much.
Manager: You are welcome.
Hotel Receptionist: Here you sir, Sir. I am giving you a single room on the second floor. Will you please fill in your name and address in the registration book please. Also I need to see your I.D. Thank you.
Mr.Verma; Does the room rent include meals also?

North Indian Lunch

Hotel Receptionist:  No, Sir. Meals are charged separately. Here is your room key. We’ve put you in room 206. The porter will take you bags up to your room. Is there anything else you would like, Sir?
Mr.Verma:  No. Thank you very much.
Hotel Receptionist:  It is a pleasure, Sir.
Porter:  This way, Sir.
Mr.Verma: Oh yes, for got to mention. Can I get morning tea at 5o’clock tomorrow morning?
Hotel Receptionist:  Certainly Sir. We’ll call you at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning, with tea. If you want to eat your meals in the hotel, you can either call Room Service, or come down to eat in one of the restaurants.
Mr.Verma: Thank you.

Panduan bahasa inggris 2

ngkapan-ungkapan di bawah ini dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan persetujuan/ketidaksetujuan terhadap pendapat yang disampaikan orang lain.

Daftar isi

[sunting] Ungkapan Persetujuan

Untuk mengungkapkan persetujuan dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi sebagai berikut.
  • I agree with you
  • I am with you (bisa berarti saya bersama kamu)
  • I think you're right
  • I think so
  • I agree completely

[sunting] Ungkapan Ketidaksetujuan

Untuk mengungkapkan ketidaksetujuan dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi sebagai berikut.
  • I don't agree with your opinion
  • I'm not with you
  • I don't think so
  • I object ...

[sunting] Contoh Penggunaan

A : I think "Friends" is very funny.
B : I don't think so. I didn't understand why you laughed at it.
A : Hey, can you catch up the conversation in "Friends"?
B : Yes, a little bit. But I think I have a different sense of humour.
A : So, what about watching "Bajaj Bajuri". Do you think it's amusing?
B : I can accept it. What about you?
A : Yeah, I am with you.

[sunting] Latihan

Bersama teman Anda, latihlah untuk menyatakan suatu pendapat, kemudian teman Anda menyatakan persetujuan/ketidaksetujuan terhadap pendapat Anda. Lakukan pula sebaliknya.

Materi bahasa inggris greeting 1

Panduan Berbahasa Inggris/Salam dan Perkenalan


Dari Wikibooks Indonesia, sumber buku teks bebas berbahasa Indonesia
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Daftar isi

[sunting] Salam dan Perkenalan (Greetings and Introduction)

Ucapan salam biasa digunakan untuk menyapa orang lain. Ungkapan perkenalan biasa digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri atau menanyakan identitas orang lain.

[sunting] Salam (Greetings)

Biasanya setelah mengucapkan salam, diiringi dengan menanyakan kabar orang yang disapa. Di bawah ini beberapa ungkapan salam yang biasa digunakan serta ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan/menjawab kondisi seseorang.
Selamat Pagi Good morning
Selamat Siang Good afternoon
Selamat Malam Good evening
Selamat Malam/Selamat Tinggal/Selamat Tidur Good night
Selamat Tinggal Good bye
Sampai Jumpa See you
Halo atau Hai Hello atau Hi
Apa kabar? How are you?
Baik-baik saja I'm fine. Thank you. atau Good
Apakah kamu baik-baik saja? Are you alright? atau Are you OK?
Saya sedang sakit I'm feeling sick atau I feel sick
Saya sedang pusing I have a headache
Saya sedang flu I have the flu/influenza
Saya demam I have a cold
Saya merasa tidak enak badan I am not feeling well
Yah, begitulah/Biasa-biasa saja Not bad

[sunting] Perkenalan Diri (Introduction)

Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk bertanya tentang identitas seseorang/memperkenalkan diri
  • Hi, my name is <nama Anda>. And what's your name ?
  • Hi, how are you ?

[sunting] Latihan (Exercise)

Cobalah berlatih pada situasi-situasi berikut.
  1. Perkenalkan diri Anda pada teman Anda, abang, adik, atau guru. Sebutkan nama Anda, dari mana asal Anda, kelas berapa, dan tinggal di mana.
  2. Anda berperan sebagai guru bahasa Indonesia. Peragakan perkenalan di hadapan siswa-siswa.
  3. Sapa teman Anda dengan bahasa Inggris.

[sunting] Role Play dengan Imaginative personality

Rasionalisasi: Dalam praktek berbahasa diseyogyakan untuk berbahasa secara natural karena kalau berkenalan dengan orang yang sudah kenal, suasana menjadi kering dan tidak bermakna. Untuk mendorong rasa ingin tahu, gunakan imaginative personality.
Cara berpraktik:
  1. Buat kelompok minimal beranggotakan 3 orang, kemudian masing-masing dengan membuat identitas diri baru mulai dari nama sampai dengan data pribadi yang biasa digunakan dalam perkenalan. Untuk memeriahkan suasana, gunakan data yang unik. Data tersebut tuliskan dalam kartu sebesar kartu bridge. Tambahi gambar penunjang bila perlu.
  2. Mulailah saling memperkenalkan diri dengan identitas baru tersebut. (Memperkenalkan diri)
  3. Setelah semua saling memperkenalkan diri, buat identitas baru lagi. Serahkan identitas baru kedua tersebut kepada teman di selah kanan anda, sehingga terjadi saling tukar indentitas baru kedua.
  4. Kenalkan teman dengan indentitas baru kedua kepada teman lain. (Memperkenalkan orang lain